zoila reyes
4 min readJun 20, 2021



There are a lot of people who dream of being content creators. Content creating on Glow is a good way of

turning that dream into a reality and getting paid to do what you love.

Millions of people have made a career out of content creating and are now living large. I am sure that you
have definitely heard about some of these people. Like the woman who posted her content on Glow and
got paid. She then used the money to pay off her debts and now lives like a millionaire.

Although content creating may look easy, the truth of the matter is that it is not an easy journey. You
should not expect to become successful overnight. So that you can succeed in a world full of content
creators, you ought to have some skills and virtues that will guide you in your journey. For a fact,
dedication and discipline is very crucial.

Below, I have written some tips that will help you get started on your journey.

Tips To Become Content Creators On Glow.

1. Establish your niche.

Select your niche and get to know what you are passionate about. Try to figure out your interests and
what you are enthusiastic about.

You can be a pro on whatever piques your interest. Selecting the right content for you by using a niche
lets you master that particular area. You will get a loyal audience if you stick to doing what you are good

at. Though, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you cannot experiment every once in a while.

2. Have a plan.

You should have a plan, unless you want to major on your hobbies alone. Why is the plan important?
Becoming a successful content creator on full time is not an easy thing.

Having a business plan will enable you to set your goals and strategise step by step on how you will get to
accomplish your set goals.

3. Think SMART.

We all know what the acronym SMART stands for right? SMART means: Specific Measurable
Attainable Relevant& Time-Bound

Ensure that your goals meet all the above.You probably should ensure that you keep practicing and
doing your best until your content is at the level where you want it to be. In short, don’t stop until you are
Give your goals relevance and ensure that the same goals are aligned with what you are planning on

accomplishing. Have a set duration within which you will work until you achieve your goals.

4. Have valuable content.

It doesn’t matter what niche you choose or what content you have been creating. What you should
understand is that your content should add value to your viewers. It should either entertain them, or be

informative. Whichever the case, your content should make sense to your viewers.

Imagine the reaction or thoughts of your viewers and ask yourself whether or not they will see the sense
in your content.

5. Be consistent.

If you look at successful content creators, you will realise that they are consistent in their work. They post

on a consistent and regular basis. Your audience will get used to your regular schedule and they most
certainly will keep up. A schedule that is not regular will bore your viewers and you may find yourself

losing subscribers on your Glow account.
Consistency means that you stay organized and put into play the plan we talked about earlier. If you are

a person who usually has limited time, then get a planner that will guide you on how to go about your
activities so you can ensure that you get everything done.

6.Monetise your content from the very beginning.

A lot of people assume that you should monetise your content immediately after you get a lot of traffic on
your page. Well, they are wrong. I advise you to monetise your content from the very first step. You can

slowly start getting a decent income from the content you are selling.
7. Treat social media kike yoir best friend, because it is.

Take advantage of the fact that you have a lot of social media platforms at your disposal. Advertise your
Glow profile across all of your social media platforms. Invite your followers from different platforms to

subscribe to your Glow platform.

8. Make use of the many tools at your disposal.

Use tools like Canva, VSCO, Grammarly, etc. These will help you to greatly improve the quality of the
content you create. Your audience will be pleased with good quality content and they’ll keep coming back
for more.

9. Connect with the people in your niche.

Reach out to content creators who are in the same niche as you. Befriend some of them and maybe every
once in a while get together and create content. A lot of people love crossovers so, why not?
10. Dare to be different.

Be different from others. For once, be yourself and let people appreciate you for it. Stay authentic and
don’t blindly follow trends without first thinking.

