zoila reyes
3 min readJun 9, 2021




A lot of businesses tend to underestimate the power of reviews. All businesses that are just starting may

receive both good and bad reviews. The larger your business becomes, the more the reviews you get. A

thing that most people don’t quite understand is that a bad review doesn’t necessarily have to mean that a

business is bad.

A bad review can be more useful than you think.

1. Bad Reviews help a lot when making purchasing


When people look at reviews, they look at both the negative and positive reviews.

A little bit of negative reviews every once in a while will give your business a realistic appearance. Let’s
be honest, you can’t be 100% perfect, right?

The main reason why people look forwardto finding bad reviews is to find out if people were satisfied

with the product or not.

A lot of people usually write bad reviews because the product did not meet their expectations. As you
know expectations will be different and so, it doesn’t mean that the product is bad.

This is useful to a business because it will help with strategising on how to better satisfy their customers.

The main problem could be issues with size of the product or problems with customized orders etc. If you
are a business owner, you should take it upon yourself to use these reviews as guides to avoid the
problems encountered in future.

2. They give you an opportunity to respond.

If you get a bad review, you could either censor it, or delete it. But, if you are a business minded person,

why not respond?

Censoring and deleting may cause people to have trust issues with your products.

When replying to negative reviews, you have two approaches: Respond with a solution or respond with humour.

When responding with a proper solution, make sure to be respectful and try and get to the root cause of

the problem so that you can better satisfy your customers.

Another way to respond is by using humour. Wendy’s is the perfect place to draw illustrations from.
They do a really good job there.

Although, you should know when to joke around and when to be responsible when answering these

3. They give you another shot at making amends.

Answering reviews, whether good or bad, is a must do for businesses.

The most important thing though, is covering up those reviews that are problematic.

4. The bad reviews always highlight the positive ones.

Although it sounds ironic,bad reviews may at times highlight positive reviews.

As I said before, some people tend to compare reviews before making purchases.

When customers do side by side comparison of both types of reviews, they can get to see both sides of the

Some bad reviews list all pros and all cons of your products. This will prove to be of use, especially to
customers who are looking for reviews that are unbiased.

5. They help you improve.

The happiness of your clients is very important. Businesses are paying a lot of attention to NSP scores and
their business reviews. They are looking forward to growth and sustainability.

We should understand the reason why many new startups are failing, and why customers are leaving bad

Instead of getting angry at negative reviews, take it as an opportunity to learn from them and lookfor a
way to make your customers more satisfied.

That said, you should checkout Zolgoo trusted reviews. Whether you are a customer looking to read
reviews or a business owner looking to list your business, Zolgoo is the perfect place for you. They have
trustworthy reviews which are quite helpful. You could list your business on Zolgoo and link your official

business website with your zolgoo business profile so that once a customer makes a purchase, they will automatically be redirected to your Zolgoo profile to leave a review.

