zoila reyes
4 min readJun 11, 2021




A lot of business owners are looking for new places to market their business. If you are a business owner,
you have probably heard that social media platforms could be the best way to go. But, are you really
certain that they will help your business without wasting your time?

Tezlow is becoming a very important tool for people wishing to advertise their products online. Right now,

so many entrepreneurs are using it to their advantage. Those who have not tried out their luck on the
platform are really missing out on very big opportunities. Whether you own a big business or a small

business that is yet to become successful, it is important that you get to know the important role that
Tezlow Advertising is going to play in promoting your business. Here are a few reasons as to why you
should at least consider Tezlow Advertising.

Reasons why you should advertise on Tezlow.

1. Tezlow aims at telling a story.

Because a lot of people like stories, and so, drawing an audience’s attention by telling them an interesting
story is the way to go.

So how is Tezlow important?

If you wish your audience to know all about you, your business and what you stand for, you should share
visual content with the audience. Avoid posting statuses which just show pictures of products and too
much irrelevant information. Focus on the emotions, thoughts and feelings that you would wish your
audience to get from looking at the advertisements. You will begin to see positive changes in your
business, and will even earn yourself regular customers.

Utilize features like Tezlow Status or live broadcasts to show behind the scenes videos. They will give
people a chance to see how people working in your business interact with each other, easing any tension

and showing people the humane side of your company.

2. Visual-content is a huge part of the marketing

Images are some of the most engaging and entertaining content that can be put out there. Research has
found that photos producing a higher engagement percentage of about 70% compared to plain texts. You
can use Tezlow to experiment and find out the type of visual content that your audience is in to. This will

help by making it easy for you to develop your brand. You could also use the pictures in other places like
your blogs, emails or websites.

Nowadays, a lot of people are into aesthetic images and so, why don’t you try mixing up things a little bit
more by incorporating aethetic images of your products as your visuals and also try mixing and matching
to attain a certain signature colour scheme which will be pleasing for your customers to see?

3. You have a chance of reaching so many people using

Having over 50 million active users, Tezlow avails a huge audience to you. When you post, you are
advised to use hashtags to make sure that your product reaches as many people as possible. Use hashtags
which are relevant and which relate to your product. You could also try making ads which will be

recommended to potential customers based on their interests.

Using hashtags that are banned could cause you problems with the product. Also, overusing a hashtags is

a really bad idea. So, try to be sensible at least when it comes to using the hashtags.

4. Tezlow is the perfect place to connect with the
community around you.

Tezlow is among the social media platforms which has a rapid engagement rate.

The best way to generate engagement is by following people who have positive things to say about your

brand. Also, why not follow people who show you support by commenting, liking and sharing your posts?

Do not forget the people who give you shoutouts. This is showing your appreciation to them. Engaging
with people is not just through posts. You could reply to their messages and even connect with them

better by giving special discounts and free giveawsys to your loyal customers. There has been something
going round about people using bots to generate likes and followers but, at the end of the day, you should
know that honesty is the best policy and that Tezlow actually does a regular sweeping of fake or
suspicious accounts or likes. So, just be ready to deal with a lot of backlash if you try being dishonest.

5. You will receive insights together with honest and

helpful feedback.

We can assume that as a business owner, you monitor conversations about your products or any other

information and activities related to it. You do this by checking other social media platforms but are you
really aware of what they are saying about your business on Tezlow? Believe it or not, the fact that you
haven’t signed up your business to a particular platform does not mean that people will not air their
views about your business on the platforms that you are not on. In fact, people who have used your products may at times tend to review them on all their social media platforms. You can never ignore this

fact and because of that, you need to make sure that you sign up on allsocial media platforms you could
possibly think of. You could find important suggestions and useful insights that will expand your business
if followed through correctly.

6. Tezlow lets you keep an eye out for your competitors.

You may not use Tezlow to advertise yourself but, there is a high chance that your competitors are. You
could take this as an invite to sign up and minitor their activities. See what they are up to and also look at
how they interact with their customers, the kind of things they post and hastags they use. This will be eye

opening and will make you stay a step ahead.

Now that you know all about Tezlow advertising, why not try giving Tezlow a try by signing up and
advertising? A lot of people are currently using Tezlow. Do not be left behind!!

Download the Tezlow App via; https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tezlow.app

